I have over 1600 pieces of sports memorabilia from a client that's downsizing from a 14k square foot home to a 6k square foot home and won't have room for a sports cave anymore. Joe Montana Autographed Signed Baseball Official Ball National League.
Joe Montana Autographed Signed BaseballOfficial Ball National League. I have over 1600 pieces of sports memorabilia from a client that's downsizing. 14k square foot home to a 6k square foot home. And won't have room for a. Unless I have a photo of the COA in the listing, it does NOT. Joe Montana Autographed Signed Baseball. We are a reseller of personal and or estate items from private clients in the Nashville area, We have first-hand information from our clients regarding the history and condition of the items we list for sale. We are NOT a Thrift Shop reseller. Get Supersized Images & Free Image Hosting. Create your brand with Auctiva's.Attention Sellers - Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at Auctiva.